Yashvi Jain

Yashvi Jain, a writer by day and reader by night, is an accomplished content writer and published author of 'Mind Under Construction. Yashvi possesses extensive knowledge of fabrics, sustainability, and literature. On occasions, you would catch her scripting for her YouTube channel, engrossed in fiction, or ardently dedicating her time to research and storytelling.

Types of Polyester Fabric and Their Applications

Polyester is a synthetic material that has revolutionized the textile industry since its introduction in the early 20th century. With its flexibility, strength and cost effectiveness, polyester has found many uses across all fields – from fashion and household products to industrial use and packaging. Polyester is a synthetic fiber designed to fulfill numerous functional …

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Is Polyester Fabric Sustainable?  Environmental Impacts

Polyester is the most widely used textile on the planet, with its affordability, adaptability, and durability. From fashion items to furnishings to textiles for the factory, this artificial fabric is a reality. Our dependence on polyester around the world comes from the fact that polyester mimics natural fibres such as cotton and silk, yet has …

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How Polyester Fabric is Made and  What is Manufacturing Process

Polyester is one of the most common synthetic fibres in textile industry due to its flexibility, strength and affordability. You’ll see it in everything from clothing and furnishings to industrial processes. It is popular because it offers all of the desirable characteristics: high strength, wrinkle-resistant, cheap and easy to take care of. Polyester is used …

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